Clive Bareham
I strive for images that are graphic, simple and geometric. I like to think that observers are motivated to make sense of the geometry and imagine their own story line.

Terry Chown
I have always been interested in photography from an early age. When I joined APG about six years ago it showed what could be achieved. My main photographic interests are Scenery, Transport and the unusual

Ian Crawford
Joined the Axminster Photographic Group in 2007 with the aim of developing my photography having just retired to Axminster. Today I find that I always have my “iPhone” with me, this has and continues to produced some memorable images, some example of which are below. Additionally I have a Nikon P900 and a Z50 both have enabled some great wildlife images.

Paul Frisby
My interests are in macro photography, landscape and some manipulation using software. In the macro field I take flowers, fossils and mechanical items, usually using a single light source and reflector. I was reluctant to adopt digital as I felt the quality of the image couldn't match that of a print. I now wish I had made the transition much earlier.

Rachael Whitbread
"I’ve been taking photographs since I was a child, photography for me is second nature, - informing how I see things and how I interpret them. The Dorset countryside tends to be my main subject, although I take my camera everywhere and focus on anything that catches my eye."

Patricia Rous
I have been taking photographs for a long time and my iPhone is always with me when I am out and about, enabling me to capture our beautiful countryside.

Chris Sellers
As a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA) I first moved to the West Country in 1976, I'm primarily a landscape photographer, focusing on the South West of England and Scotland - both regions full of photographic richness and potential. The majority of images have been captured on Leica M rangefinder camera.

Charles White
I am relatively new to digital photography, so as yet I have no specific style. I am keen on birdlife and have started exploring the world of macro photography

Phil Hodges aFIAP cPAGB
A happily retired traditional photographer, favourite subjects :-- Aircraft, Animals - wild and domestic and 'Painting with light '. A convert from Canon to Nikon enjoying relearning everything .

Dave Wicken
'I have recently bought a 600mm lens, and By Jove it's a heavy beast. So, once I've finished my body-building for duffers work-out course, you can expect a lot more wildlife photographs from me.'

Chris Perfect ARPS
Having embraced the fascinating new world of the digital image I still find it is the final printed image that is my preferred output. Work in colour now allows many interpretations and I strive to convey the atmosphere of a subject. I still find monochrome to be an expressive medium and enjoy its strong graphic quality.

Ken Jenner

I have been a keen photographer for many years. I now use my mobile phone to take most of my pictures, and enjoy “Simplifying” the images.
Eddy Gorochowski
"I have been photographing weddings, families, property and commercial subjects for over 50 years. I have now decided to retire from 'paid work' and concentrate on photographing a different variety of subject matter for my own enjoyment. I started photography when it was all B&W, developing my own films and prints in my home made darkroom. Today I use my digital cameras and Photoshop/Lightroom software to produce my images. I like photographing landscapes, animals, people and nature in all their forms and varieties. My favourite artworks have always been from impressionists such as Turner, Monet and Degas, so I often try and achieve these same effects in my images."

Aidan Winder LRP
Photography is very rewarding, being both a thing that you enjoy alone and one to share. It makes me more aware of the world around me and I find myself looking for potential pictures as I go about the day. Sometimes a dramatic sunset or landscape catches my eye or maybe an incongruous object or some intricate detail. I tend to favour pictures that please me and I don’t feel it necessary to take pictures that go out of their way to please others but I hope they do!

Mike Parker
I enjoy many different genres of photography including taking images of tanks, aircraft and the odd portrait. But my main passion is landscapes, particularly seascapes.

Diana East
I like being outside – looking at flowers, plants, the wildlife that appear – too small and too quick mostly for me to capture successfully. Also on the beach - people watching and looking for shapes and patterns, and for unusual light.

Charlotte Nadin
I had always wanted to take up photography, but with a young family it was not an option. When I retired I went out and bought a point and shoot camera, I soon grew out of that. The Nikon D70 was my first DSLR which I manage to wear out within the year, following on from there I had several other Nikons. Fed up with lugging all the heavy lenses and cameras around I decided I would go small and bought the Sony NEX 7 this was the turning point for me it is so compact and easy to use I love it, I have several other Sony’s which I tend to use for different things’ love creating things in Photoshop and have spent many hours helping people to get to grips with the program, I find it fascinating to use. I’ve had some success with photos in exhibitions and other competitions in the past. I don’t enter anything much anymore I take pics for me and thoroughly enjoy it

Becky MacMillan-Adams
I have been interested in photography for a number of years, and have two cameras, both Canon, I'm still discovering my way around them. There isn't really one specific area of photography for me, I like to dabble in many aspects from nature and landscapes to the more quirky, creative images.